A is the right answer
Convection currents are created in the Earth's atmosphere as the sun heats the gases, causing them to rise. Theses gases cool as they rise high into the atmosphere and travel back down towards the ground to get heated again. ... All of this movement of gases in the atmosphere creates wind.
crops and other important food sources are processes and put into cereals.
C. Cheyenne
The Cheyenne tribe established their nation in the land that now belongs to the state of Montana. Due to the information contained in the question, we know that horses played a valuable role in the life of Deleep's tribe. This was true because of the vast distances the Cheyenne had to cover. We also know that buffalo inhabited the same area as Deleep's tribe. The geographic location of the Cheyenne nation corresponds well with the range of the bison.
C. Deficits
Government Expenditure is government expenditure that covers all government consumption and investment but does not include transfer payments made by the state.
Some types of Government Expenditure are like for health and education. For health as provided for the BPJS program while for education is like for free education which is then issued through BOS.
The higher this expenditure will cause a decrease in the amount of money the state has. So that it will cause a deficit. But in the end with spending on higher education can also be an investment in the future.
The higher expenditure on health then shows that the country has a lot of poor people. Thus there will be a lot of subsidies that must be issued by the government to help residents like this
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About Transportation in Bogota, Colombia
- Grade : College
- Subject : Geography
- Government Expenditures