Hello. You have not shown the answer options, which makes it impossible for this question to be answered accurately. However, we can affirm that a good counterclaim would be one that showed that the campaign for the female suffrage started long before the defaced penny and that it was disrespectful to disfigure the king's face in the coin, since the female suffrage also cried out for respect.
A counterclaim is an argument that wishes to combat the opposite argument, stated earlier, showing arguments that prove that the previously stated claim is incorrect and / or incomplete, not providing true facts, but proving to be questionable and contradictory.
However, Counterclaim must present facts that show that it is correct and that it is relevant to the debate in question.
There have been three (3) prominent countries to embark on a Five Year Plan in the 20th century. As I am unsure as to which you refer to, I will give the dates for all three.
Soviet Union
Under Stalin, the U.S.S.R wanted to catch up to the West in terms of production and so embarked on several Five Year Plans. The Second one began in the year <u>1933 and went till 1937.</u>
The Chinese copied the Soviet Union in making Five Year plans but never stopped. There has been a Five Year plan since 1953 with the nation being on its fourteenth plan now. The second plan however, lasted from<u> 1958 to 1962. </u>
India also emulated this strategy and came up with several Five Year plans with the second running from April <u>1956 to March 1961. </u>
This passage we can say is a direct response the critique of indulgences raised by the Protestant reform.
In other words this could be a direct answer to Martin Luther and his 95 thesis, in which the selling of the indulgences, that is the forgiveness of sins in exchange of money, was the main issue. The Church states that the Christ himself gave the right to them to sell the indulgences and that that is the time-honored tradition.
During the Civil War, "Copperheads" referred to B. NORTHERN SUPPORTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY.
The Copperheads were those vocal democrats located in the Northern United States of the Union who were opposed to the American Civil War. They wanted to have an immediate peace settlement with the confederates.
The Republicans were the ones who called these antiwar democrats "copperheads"; likening them to the venomous snake.