<em>D. The Capitol building houses the three branches of the federal government, which make, execute, and judge the nation’s laws</em>.
The Capitol building is located in Washington DC and houses congress. It houses the legislative branch of US federal government. The congress meets in this building, Congress consists of representatives and senators from each of 50 states. It is located on the top of Capitol Hill. The House of Representatives meets in the south wing while Senate meets in the north wing. the Statue of Freedom is located on the top of the Capitol. The cornerstone for the Capitol began in September 18, 1793.
He argued that most important aspect of adolescence is maturity.
Adolescence is the bridge that connects childhood into adults that are capable in handling their own problems.
He describes maturity as a state of developing awareness separate which need to be done and which need to be ignored to achieve our goal.
Answer: worse on tasks involving either the phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, or central executive.
Explanation: Working memory is central to the functioning of the mind. It is the ability to remember and use relevant information while in the middle of an activity. Working memory allows for the manipulation of stored information.
For example, listening to a sequence of events in a story while trying to understand what the story means.
Depression is a state of mind producing serious, long-term lowering of enjoyment of life or inability to visualize a happy future.
One with depression is incapable of utilizing their working memory perfectly well.