The Crisis of the Third Century, also known as Military Anarchy or the Imperial Crisis (235–284 AD), was a period in which the Roman Empire nearly collapsed under the combined pressures of barbarian invasions and migrations into the Roman territory, civil wars, peasant rebellions, political instability (with multiple usurpers competing for power), Roman reliance on (and growing influence of) barbarian mercenaries known as foederati and commanders nominally working for Rome (but increasingly independent), plague, debasement of currency, and economic depression.
The Crisis of the Third Century, also known as Military Anarchy or the Imperial Crisis (235–284 AD), was a period in which the Roman Empire nearly collapsed under the combined pressures of barbarian invasions and migrations into the Roman territory, civil wars, peasant rebellions, political instability (with multiple usurpers competing for power), Roman reliance on (and growing influence of) barbarian mercenaries known as foederati and commanders nominally working for Rome (but increasingly independent), plague, debasement of currency, and economic depression.
A. because if this wasn't true we wouldnt have had a war based off our freedom.The revolutionary war
the principle of non-involvement
The non-intervention rule is a principle of international law that restricts the ability of outside nations to interfere with the internal affairs of another nation. At its core, the principle is a corollary to the right of territorial sovereignty possessed by each nation.
George Washington called the Congress under the Articles of Confederation a "shadow without substance" because under the Articles of Confederation the Congress was given very limited powers. The Articles of Confederation gave most of the power to states and did not give much power to the national government. Therefore although it created national bodies like Congress they were just a shadow because they had very limited powers and not much of an ability to institute any real policies.
The main purpose of Albany plan is to place British north American Colonies under a centralized Government.
The colonist does not want this to happen because they don't want to give their control over local affairs to a central Government which will diminish their power