Explanation: All of it is in gamete formation. Meaning, it is going through a gamete formation which also means that pairs of alleles that are for different traits, segregate. They move on independently from one another, never touching.
For your question, It's incomplete dominance which is when cases with one allele isn't complete to be dominant over another allele. It's all got to come together in order for it to become a strong and dominant allele, or else it won't be complete and won't become and do what it has to.
I hope this help you and I hope that I gave you what you wanted/needed for this question.
I don't understand the question
The kelvin is the primary unit of temperature measurement in the physical sciences, but is often used in conjunction with the degree Celsius, which has the same magnitude. The definition implies that absolute zero (0 K) is equivalent to −273.15 °C (−459.67 °F).
Chromosomes, which contain DNA, have several functions. All BUT ONE of these statements is a function of chromosomes. A) Chromosomes determine the traits of an organism. B) Chromosomes provide instructions to make proteins.
First of all, it makes algae grow, because pesticides and stuff provide too many nutrients. Algae needs a lot of oxygen and so the fish begin to die off because the algae is taking all the oxygen out of the lake. Next, it causes biodiversity to drop, meaning that species are beginning to get less varied. Water pollution harms the lakes and is a concern because the effects of it on species and the water will stay.