Editorials or<em> leading articles</em> are articles written by senior editorial stuff or publisher of a newspaper or magazines. Editorials are often published unsigned although the name of editor is known to the reader ( the names are listed in the newspaper ).
These types of articles are usually published on a special page called the <em>editorial page</em>. The articles are long and opinionated, they express the author's point of view on a particular topic. On the same editorial page, <em>letters</em> <em>to the editor</em>, are featured ( letters from members of the public).
The typical topics of editorials are <em>current affairs</em> ( political or economic ), or <em>current events</em> happening in their surrounding ( elections, important meetings, sport events). The editors put forth their views on a topic they feel strong about. They help the readers gain a better understanding of a particular subject.
Well, one way unfair judgement has affected me is by having someone side with another person based on my looks. Some people think that I might be dumb because of how bubbly and outgoing I can act so they choose someone who they think won't be 'dumb' based on their outwards appearance and how they act. Another way is how some people will choose to dislike me based on first impressions and my appearance, most people automatically will choose to befriend someone based on things that are only skin deep.
a compound sentence is when the sentence can be split up to make two complete sentences.
i.e. Paolo missed his girlfriend. He knew she'd be back.
d. can be split up into two fully functional sentences.
It would be C because a conjunction can stand alone
It was a brisk summer evening. Gray came to the edge of the lake that surounded his grandparents summer house. He looked at the sunset for a while and then remebered what he has promised to his grandmother Lily. Book was hanging from his pocket, as he stepped over a rock and sat on the moss covered ground. The sun was turning the horizon into the warmest hug. The book belonged to his mother Anna, who passed away just over a year ago. Since then, Gray has been living with his grandparents in the country side. Anna was a beautiful woman, who served as a public defender. She was not at home a lot of the times, which meant that Gray had to learn how to take care of himself since the early age. He had a lot of friends from school and he spent a lot of time playing with them around the neighboorhod. He never met his father and Anna never cared to speak about him. It all happened so suddenly. One night, his mother was rushed to the hospital and he never saw her again. He could not remember the last conversation they had, but it was probably something related to his home work and his lack of discipline. He never enjoyed studying. His mind was alwyas set on some skeem or a project that he needed to complete. Sitting and reading seemd so boring and unnececcary. As he was opening the first page of the book, a piece a of paper fell into his lap and he recognized his mothers writting. The sun casted the last rays of golden light and he started reading, rushing through the words before the nightfall.