Vance Packard's number-one bestsellers - Hidden Persuaders (1957), Status Seekers (1959), and Waste Makers (1960) - taught the generation of Americans that came of age in the late 1950s and early 1960s about the dangers posed by advertising, social climbing, and planned obsolescence.
The weather conditions that least favor chemical weathering are cold and dry.
Climate plays an important role in the breakdown of rocks and soil into sediment and this process is called weathering. Rocks found in equatorial climates and exposed to lots of rain, humidity and heat weather faster than rocks in located in cold and dry areas. Chemical weathering typically happens when there is increase in the temperature and there is rainfall. Hence rocks in hot and wet climate experience faster rate of chemical weathering.
In a wet climate there is an acceleration of weathering due to mixture of dirt with Carbon dioxide and air and water causing weak acid which breaks down rapidly. Whereas, cold, dry climate accelerate physical weathering due to expansion and contraction of minerals within rock.
To learn more about chemical weathering click here:
They met for a Berlin conference
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. ... Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
Vietnam - consists of primarily low=wage and low-skilled jobs
Singapore - has become a leading financial center
Malaysia - the world's leading producers of semiconductors