During hibernation, the animals don't eat anything.....So, when they are hibernating, those animals can get energy by burning the the stored fat from the fatty food and can survive until they wake from hibernation
Viruses are not alive. Although they sort of “hack” a host’s cells and reproduce, they do not breathe or move on their own. A virus will sit on a counter forever if it’s untouched. Viruses are spread by physical contact, not because they can move around on their own.
Although viruses can attack and hack, and use your cells to reproduce, they are programmed to do so.
Cells are very much alive, while viruses are not.
Respuesta B.
(((First part of the small intestine))). It connects to the stomach. The duodenum helps to continue digesting food that comes from the stomach. It absorbs nutrients (vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins) and water from food so that the body can use them.