Kayla has experienced a decrease in the need for sleep for the past three nights, is extremely talkative and creative, and has been very irresponsible with money during this time. Kayla is in the midst of a/an __________.
Manic episode
To understand this answer we need to remember a certain few things. First of all the concept of Manic episode is the concept used to identify the psychological state of being euphoric and filled with energy. Making us believe we are at the top of the world or being able to accomplish everything we want without realistic fundamentals. It includes an irritable mood for a week affecting the subject's relations.
Answer: the second blank i believe is track hold on im
gonna figure out the first one
Nepal still behind a lot of things and it’s very new to things
Hope this helps you.....In the Crimean War, Czar Nicholas I threatens to take over part of the Ottoman Empire. Russia was defeated by combined forces of France, Great Britain, Sardinia, and the Ottomans; after the war, Alexander II began to modernize Russia. 8. Alexander II issues the Edict of Emancipation.