The Serratus anterior in man is homologous to the Serratus ventralis muscle in the cat. The Serratus anterior is a muscle that originates on the surface of the 1st to 8th ribs at the side of the chest and insects along the entire anterior length of the medial border of the scapula. The Serratus anterior acts to pull the scapula forward around the thorax. Serratus ventralis in the cats looks like fingers because it attaches to the ribs, but has nothing to attach to between the ribs.
A red shift means that the object is moving away from you.
The climate of a region is determined through the observation of weather patterns over a long time- usually at least 15 years- in a region. Studying climate change would therefore also take very long time as meteorologists attempt to perceive changes in these weather patterns. In this case 30 years can be enough to notice a significant increase in rainfall patterns which can be classified as climate change.
longer is lower shortwe is higher
Proofreading" the new DNA strands in
DNA replication