In terms of chemistry, saturated fats contain the maximum number or greatest amount of Hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to both the end and internal or middle carbons. Thus, there are no carbon to carbon double and or single bonds present.
Unsaturated fats though do have at least a minimum of 1 carbon to carbon double and or triple bond for the inverse or opposite explanation of what was mentioned, that it does not have the maximum number of hydrogen atoms within the internal and or external carbon atoms in the structure of the organic compound.
Ocean-Continent Convergence
OK well first of all I hate biology but I like writing so you can use :: The molecular reactions of cellular respiration transform Krebs cycle into the more readily available bond energy of ATP.
Streak test is used to compare the properties of different minerals.
Streak test is perform on rocks to check the properties of a mineral or rocks. If you have a piece of white floor tile, You can use it for the test. In this test we rub mineral on a piece of white tile Turn your tile so that the dull side faces up. Take your rocks one at a time and rub them back and forth over the surface of the tile and observe the color of the powder left behind which will tell about the type of mineral.
For him they were just discrete physical units of inheritance. Johanson coined the term "gene" and people started calling them genes. Today for us these factors are parts of DNA, the base sequences that carry the biological information to determine a trait. Mendel factors are alleles of genes.