☆What is the prime factorization of 108?
To find the prime factorization, first divide 108 by 2.
You have 2 numbers: 54 and 2. 2 is a prime number and 54 isn't. Divide 54 by 2 until every factor of 54 is prime.
★ Prime number collection: 2
Add 2 to the "prime number collection". Divide 27 by factors until every factor you find is prime.
★ Prime number collection: 2, 2
Add 3 to the "prime number collection". Divide 9 by a factor of it to find more prime numbers.
★ Prime number collection: 2, 2, 3
The two 3's are prime. No more dividing! Add those to the "prime number collection".
★ Prime number collection: 2, 2, 3, 3, 3
Multiply all the numbers in your "prime number collection".