the water cycle how water evaporates from the surface of the earth, rises into the atmosphere, cools and condenses into rain or snow in clouds, and falls again to the surface as precipitation.
the series of processes by which carbon compounds are interconverted in the environment, involving the incorporation of carbon dioxide into living tissue by photosynthesis and its return to the atmosphere through respiration, the decay of dead organisms, and the burning of fossil fuels.
The nitrogen cycle is the biogeochemical cycle by which nitrogen is converted into multiple chemical forms as it circulates among atmosphere, terrestrial, and marine ecosystems. The conversion of nitrogen can be carried out through both biological and physical processes.
Hey, dont worry.
Climax communities are composed of a large variety of complex organisms. Climax communities are stable.
Los seres invertebrados y los vertebrados tienen más elementos en común de lo que se pensaba. Un estudio, con participación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), prueba que existe gran similitud entre los sistemas excretores de ambos grupos de animales. Según la investigación, las células encargadas de filtrar la sangre en la formación de orina, alojadas en los riñones de vertebrados, son similares a las que realizan una función análoga en invertebrados.
Having filtered out small essential molecules from the blood - the kidneys must reabsorb the molecules which are needed, while allowing those molecules which are not needed to pass out in the urine. Therefore, the kidneys selectively reabsorb only those molecules which the body needs back in the bloodstream.
The nucleic acid is a macromolecule present in living systems in the form of either DNA or RNA, whose molecule consists of many nucleotides which are linked with each other to form long chains. The presence of DNA or RNA in an individual promotes continuity of life. The variability and complexity of nucleic acid are dependent on its constituent molecules as, sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base. However, two monocyclic nitrogenous bases were classified purines (adenine:A, guanine:G) and pyrimidines (thymine:T, cytosine:C, and uracil:U).
In addition, RNA is a single-stranded structure which differs from DNA in two aspects, the sugar content of RNA is ribose, and pyrimidine base uracil replaces the thymine base of DNA. A ratio between two strands of DNA can be calculated by using Chargrff's rule which states that "DNA from any cell of all organisms possess a 1:1 ratio (base Pair Rule) of pyrimidine and purine bases'.
The purine to pyrimidine ratio in RNA with different bases is given below in the following table:
Presence of single strand in RNA does not follow chargaff's rule and alters the purine: pyrimidine ratio. The above ratio of each base in the given information is not equal, due to which the ratio of purines to pyrimidines is different. The ratio of DNA and RNA is not equal because DNA has its complementary DNA strand. However, bases in RNA might vary due to its single-strandedness property, but its ratio is dependent on the species.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the ratio of purines to pyrimidines is dependent on the species due to its genetic makeup. Hence, option (c) is correct.