The Supreme Court ruled that the name Coke was so well known around the world, that it is effectively a common term for the trademarked Coca Cola. If other companies try to use similar terms like Koke for other types of products, e.g. bakery items, there is a risk that the Coca Cola company would be negatively affected by that product's image since consumers might associate Koke directly to Coca Cola.
It doesn't matter if the products were low quality or not, the courts cannot determine that, what matters is that the use of the term may negatively impact another company.
Prosecutors of this case can use the net worth method to determine the extent these executives have been receiving illegal incomes by computing their wealth at the beginning and at the end of the period under investigation.
There will be an increase in the executives wealth, and since this increase cannot be traced to any legal income source, it will become taxable income, with the calculated penalties and fines.
The net worth method specifies that any increase in wealth, which is not traced to non-taxable sources, should be determined as a taxable income for the period under review. Ordinarily, the net worth is the difference between assets and liabilities. Since the executives use the money personally at their convenience, this will increase their personal wealth.
Financial intermediaries; savings; real investments; save; mutual funds; ETFs; commodity markets; shares; liquid; stock market; banks; CFO; bonds
Financial markets and FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES channel SAVINGS to REAL INVESTMENTS . They also channel money from individuals who want to SAVE for the future to those who need cash to spend today. A third function of financial markets is to allow individuals and businesses to adjust their risk. For example, MUTUAL FUNDS, such as the Vanguard Index fund, and ETF( educational trust funds) , such as SPDR's or "spiders," allow individuals to spread their risk across a large number of stocks. Financial markets provide other mechanisms for sharing risks. For example, a wheat farmer and a baker may use the COMMODITY MARKETS to reduce their exposure to wheat prices. Financial markets and intermediaries allow investors to turn an investment into cash when needed. For example, the SHARES of public companies are LIQUID because they are traded in huge volumes on the STOCK MARKET .
BANKS are the main providers of payment services by offering checking accounts and electronic transfers. Finally, financial markets provide information. For example, the CFO of a company that is contemplating an issue of debt can look at the yields on existing BONDS to gauge how much interest the company will need to pay.
It should be Option B since entrepreneurs main aim is usually profit making.