Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow are the 3 major contributors to the cell theory.
The correct answer is both pumps use proteins to transport substances across the cell membrane.
Sodium potassium pump helps in the active transport or uphill transport of both sodium and potassium across the cell membrane against their concentration gradient.
Whereas Ca2+ATPase or calcium pump itself is a trans membrane or membrane spanning protein which helps in the transport of Ca2+ outside the cell to maintain electrochemical potential of Ca2+ ions.
Answer: KIDNEY (URINARY/EXCRETORY SYSTEM) helps regulate water and electrolyte balance.
Kidney is an important organ of our urinary system that regulates chemical composition of blood, regulates water and electrolyte balance, etc in our body. Kidney is made up of nephron cells that filters water, reabsorbs amino acids, secrete and excrete urine outside the body.
A river with objects in it or a fence thats chain like
The moon has different phases because it’s around different times. For example, let’s say you go outside and look at the moon at 11pm, then you go and look at it again at 12 pm, it’s going to have a different phase because it’s not at the say time.
I hope this helps! This is what I was getting from the question