The reference value that is expressed as a percentage of total calories is called as % daily value.
The % daily value tells about the the nutrients which are present in a single serving of food. They are mostly present on the Nutritional Fact Label for foods. The standard for the % daily value is set to 2000 calorie. 2000 calories are required for a healthy adult diet. But even if a person has a calorie uptake lower or higher then that, he/she can still use the % Daily Value as a guideline.
For example, If 2% vitamin C is written on a label than it defines that one serving of that product supplies 2% of the vitamin C that you require each day.
The nurse should anticipate with the child that has type 1
diabetes that the child couldn’t provide diabetic care to self as he is still
young, it is best to assist the child into providing diabetic medication. It is
best to manage the child and make sure to be gentle when applying treatment for
children are sensitive in situations involving medicinal treatment.