Answer: Old Lights preachers believed religion should be practiced in a rational way while New Lights preachers propagated emotion in religion.
War profiteering, pretty straightforward. The term refers to any firm, person or an organization that benefits from warfares or selling military goods. Notable examples include Lockheed Martin, which sells Fighter jets to aid America, Raytheon, which produces radar for the fighter jets and missiles. They make the majority of their profit by war, and how the countries desire for better weaponry to win against the opposing nation.
Because living in Urban Areas tend to promote individuality.
According to Georg Simmel, the lifestyle that exist in Urban Area tend to force the people who live there to be more independent and individualistic. Things such as competition in the work place, having to pay expensive bills, and very little time to socialize contributed to this situation. In order to survive in this environment, people tend to develop a calculative and rational approach before they make every actions.
Individuals who live in rural area do not experience similar problem. They tend to be older, work less, and have more time to get to know their neighbors. This is why on average they tend to be more sentimental compared to the people who live in Urban area.
Theorists use a Circumplex Model to conceptualize clustering of different theoretical concepts from family theory and other social sciences - sociology, psychiatry, etc. This clustering revealed two central dimensions of the way people behave in family systems: Cohesion and Adaptability.
1. Family Cohesion:
is defined as emotional bonding of family members. It includes bonding, boundaries, time, space, decision making, friends, etc.
2. Family Adaptability:
is defined as the way in which a family power structure, roles, rules when they need to respond to situational and developmental stress. In this dimension the concepts of assertiveness, control and discipline, negotiation styles are included.