unit^3 .. ( or equivalent )
Step-by-step explanation:
- The following surfaces are given as follows:

- We will first have to investigate the region that lies inside both the cylinder and the ellipsoid or the region common to both surface.
Step 1: Coordinate transformation ( Cartesian ( x,y,z ) -> Polar ( r,θ,z )
- To convert the cartesian coordinates to polar/cylindrical coordinate system we will take the help of conversion equation given below:

- Make the substitution of the above equation in the given equation of the cylinder as follows:

- Make the substitution of the transformation equation into the ellipsoid equation as follows:

Step 2: Sketch/Plot the region of volume
- We can either sketch or plot the surfaces in the cartesian coordinate system. I have utilized " Geogebra " 3D graphing utility.
- The purpose of graphing/sketching the surfaces is to "visualize" the bounds of the volume that lies inside both of the surfaces. This will help us in step 3 to set-up limits of integration. Moreover, the sketches also help us to see whether the enclosed volume is symmetrical about any axis.
- The plot is given as an attachment. From the plot we see that the volume of integration lies both above and below x-y plane ( z = 0 ). This result can be seen from the polar equation of surfaces ( +/- ) obtained.
- The Volume is defined by a shape of a vessel. I.e " Cylinder with two hemispherical caps on the circular bases "
- We see that enclosed volume is symmetrical about ( x-y ) plane. Each section of volume ( above and below x-y plane ) is bounded by the planes:
Upper half Volume:

Lower Half Volume:

- We will simplify our integral manipulation by using the above symmetry and consider the upper half volume and multiply the result by 2.
Note: We can also find quadrant symmetry of the volume defined by the circular projection of the volume on ( x-y plane ); however, the attempt would lead to higher number of computations/tedious calculations. This invalidates the purpose of using symmetry to simplify mathematical manipulations.
Step 3: Set-up triple integral in the cylindrical coordinate system
- The general formulation for setting up triple integrals in cylindrical coordinate system depends on the order of integration.
- We will choose the following order in the direction of "easing symmetry" i.e: (dz.dr.dθ)

- Define the limits:
a: z = 0 - > ( x-y plane, symmetry plane )
b: z = 2√(16 - r^2) - > ( upper surface of ellipsoid )
* Multiply the integral ( dz ) by " x2 "
c: r = 0 ( symmetry axis )
d: r = +2 ( circle of radius 2 units - higher )
* Multiply the integral ( r.dr ) by " x2 "
e: θ = 0 ( initial point of angle sweep )
f: θ = 2π ( final point of angle sweep )
- The integral formulation becomes:

Step 4: Integral evaluation
- The last step is to perform the integration of the formulation derived in previous step.