The internal factors, or the indigenous people, had little to no influence over the external factors, or the European states. Soon, the indigenous population began to adopt western practices. However, most people soon began to question the flaws of the external factors. Then, they started to rebel, but most failed. An example is the Cherokee Nation adopting colonial methods of farming, weaving, and building. But since the Americans were greedy for gold, they pushed the Cherokee from their lands and killed. Later on, they participated in rituals called the Ghost Dance so that their ancestors would help drive out the whites. Sadly, the movements fell at the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890. Another example are the Hindus and Muslims using rifle cartridges ,ade from cow and pig fat. They were mad because they thought the British were trying to convert them to Christianity. They rebelled in a violent uprising known as the Indian Rebellion of 1857, but were ultimately crushed, killing thousands.
They had kept greek n roman culture alive for a 1,000 years after the fall of the roman empire in the west. which had preserved this cultural legacy until it was taken up in the west during the renaissance.
A. The Aztec and Inca had large, united empires, but the Maya did not. <span>The Mayan region was divided into several independent city-states, some of which became powerful. A king ruled each city-state and served as the head of the government, military, and religion. Each king had a court of followers and was advised by a council. To avoid war, kings often acted as diplomats as they formed alliances with other
city-states. However, diplomacy often failed and, as a result, war between city-states was common. The city-state structure of the Maya prevented them from uniting into an empire.</span>
it sets a limit on the number of times an individual is eligible to elected for President of the United States, and also sets additional eligibility conditions for presidents who succeed to the unexpired terms of their predecessors.