tolerance can be defined as hardship or adversity
I hope it helps
Dairy and meat
hope it helps
National Eating Disorder Association
Eating Disorders Anonymous
Eating Disorder Hope
National Alliance on Mental Health Illness (NAMI)
Distrust is a huge barrier in social relationships. Distrust often stems from a "me first" minset that leads to conflict. There is no "I" in team. When. trust is lacking we spend to much time. and energy resisting the other person. Selfies and attention seeking social media outlets has given life to lack of communication and distrust. A large population of individuals male and female would rather be desired by many except valued by one. I believe social media has destroyed many social relationships because a lot of people have more options than ever before. We live in a society of "more" and keeping up with the Joneses that we lack contentment in our social relationships sometimes.
Thoughts and feelings about yourself