Why were the Articles of Confederation so weak?
- the colonists feared a government that would be too much like the British king
Define an Indentured Servant
- a person who signed a 7 year contract to work for someone in order to come to the colonies
1. Why were the Articles of Confederation so weak?
After finally getting rid of the British, the colonists feared a powerful government that would have a choke hold over the colonies. The Government in the AoC had no power to inforce laws, collect taxes, no courts, there needed to be unanimous votes, etc.
2. Define an Indentured Servant
An indentured servan is a person who signs indentures to work for another for a specified time in return for payment of travel expenses and maintenance.
Pretty good. I don’t think this is a question for Brainly though.
How does Vaughn depict power relations and social hierarchy among the Powhatans? Vaughn depicts Powhatan society as one strictly divided by social hierarchy. Most of the Powhatans sit in mass along the sides of the scene and their features are virtually indistinguishable.
becuase they wanted to
sorry i'm trying to get point so i can give them away delete me