Lists of options to complete the question
A. The nurse could be reprimanded for not clearing the information first with hospital administration
B. There won't be any consequences because the client's real name was not used
C. The nurse could be fired for breach of confidentiality
D. There won't be any consequences because the information was posted on a website for nursing professionals
C. The nurse could be fired for breach of confidentiality
If the nurse decides to use anonymous for the client while publishing it, it's still possible to know who the nurse is writing about.
Social media policy is to be followed strictly by Many health care facilities. The nurses could be fired for such a post as it's not only a HIPAA violation but an offence against the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act) and is punishable by the law for violations of the client's privacy.
F then statement,
or In advanced classes an If then Because Statement
If I brush my teeth twice a day, Then my teeth will be whiter because the fluoride in the paste will clean my mouth
Klinglers iron agar medium is used to find the enterobacteria which can ferment glucose , lactose and hydrogen Sulphide . They are H₂S producing bacteria .
This media have phenol red as an indicator. When the glucose is fermented to acid , the production of acid turn the indicator from red to yellow, but it is then reoxidised and turns red again . When lactose is fermented it produce large amount of acid , and turn indicator yellow . Hence the slant will become yellow.And combination of ferrous sulphate and sodium thiosulphate helps in detection of H₂S which produce black color at the butt .
Learn more about indicator at :
Para medir la temperatura de una manera más exacta se utiliza un termómetro. Un termómetro es el instrumento que se usa para medir la temperatura del aire. Los termómetros más comunes son tubos de vidrio huecos. En la parte inferior del tubo se encuentra la ampolleta que contiene un líquido como alcohol o mercurio.
Plant cells will be unable to perform glycolysis due to the inhibitor and will die.
Glucose is a high energy stable compound.Therefore in order to extract the stored energy for cellular use, it must be broken down. The addition of inorganic Phosphate ions(Pi) to 6-carbon glucose compound in the presence of 2ATP molecules is called Phosphorylation. This phosphorylation reaction is catalyse by Hexokinase.
The 6C-glucose is spitted to 6C-Fructose phosphate, and to 6C-fructose biphophate. The later is converted to 2molecules of 3Carbon compounds called triose phosphate.
It is during the conversion of 2-molecules of 3C- triphosphate to Pyruvate that yields 2 ATPs per molecule of glucose.
Therefore if hexokinase is inhibited , then the glucose phosphorylation can not occur. Hence the sequence of events as Glycolytic pathways that leads to production of ATP during formation of Pyruvate can not occur.
Definitely, plant cells biochemical reactions will seize, glycolytic pathways will be inhibited, ATPs will not be synthesized,leading to plant cells deaths.