Three examples would be gamma rays (usually these rays are emitted from unstable isotopes and can be used in nuclear experiments and testing) ultraviolent rays that are emitted from the sun and can cause sunburn and even skin cancer because the rays mutate the DNA in the skin cells nucleus. And also X-Rays, microwaves, and radio waves, which is usually harmless because it isn’t enough radiation to mutate DNA in our cells
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are complex structure four connected rings of carbon atoms. They are cholesterol which is in all body cells and used to synthesize other steroids:sex hormones, such as estrogen, and testosterone and several hormones from the adrenal glands.
are comprised of an ester of a long-chain alcohol and a fatty acid. Many plants have leaves and fruits with wax coatings to help prevent water loss.
consist of Glycerol portion and fatty acid chains. Only two fatty acids chains; in place of the third is portion that include a phosphate group. THe phosphate portion is soluble in water [hydrophobic] forms the ''head'' of the molecule, while the fatty acids portion is insoluble in water [hydrophobic] and forms a ''tail''.
to store energy for cellular activities. Carbohydrates fat molecules are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
In eukaryotes, photosynthesis occurs mainly in green plants. These organisms have specialized organelles called chloroplasts that carry out photosynthesis. These contain photoreceptors that absorb photons from the sun through a pigment called chlorophyll, providing the energy to synthesise glucose from carbon dioxide and water.
In contrast, prokaryotes that carry out photosynthesis are able to do so because they have folds in the plasma membrane that permit the attachment of chlorophyll. They do not have specialized membrane-bound organelles like eukaryotes.
Plasmids are used in biotechnology.
A plasmid is a natural or artificially modified circular DNA molecule for use in biological research.
The researchers use the plasmids to insert a DNA fragment of interest, thanks to the cloning cassettes. They can clone genes to express proteins or RNAs and analyze them.