Stretching is a sign of growing, also known as having a growth spurt. Your body stretches in order to make room for things growing, for example, how a pregnant woman's stomach stretches to make room for her unborn baby.
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Needs optimum environmental conditions.
Seedling, a flower and a vegetable needs suitable conditions for growth and development. All of the three stages of plant life cycle requires optimum water, fertilizers and light intensity in order to grow and develop at full speed. Seeds need a specific temperature in order to germinate. Most seeds germinate when the soil temperature is between 68 and 86 Fahrenheit. In the same way the plant also needs specific temperature for bearing flowers. All the stages requires optimum water in the soil for absorption.
The nucleic acid is a macromolecule present in living systems in the form of either DNA or RNA, whose molecule consists of many nucleotides which are linked with each other to form long chains. The presence of DNA or RNA in an individual promotes continuity of life. The variability and complexity of nucleic acid are dependent on its constituent molecules as, sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base. However, two monocyclic nitrogenous bases were classified purines (adenine:A, guanine:G) and pyrimidines (thymine:T, cytosine:C, and uracil:U).
In addition, RNA is a single-stranded structure which differs from DNA in two aspects, the sugar content of RNA is ribose, and pyrimidine base uracil replaces the thymine base of DNA. A ratio between two strands of DNA can be calculated by using Chargrff's rule which states that "DNA from any cell of all organisms possess a 1:1 ratio (base Pair Rule) of pyrimidine and purine bases'.
The purine to pyrimidine ratio in RNA with different bases is given below in the following table:
Presence of single strand in RNA does not follow chargaff's rule and alters the purine: pyrimidine ratio. The above ratio of each base in the given information is not equal, due to which the ratio of purines to pyrimidines is different. The ratio of DNA and RNA is not equal because DNA has its complementary DNA strand. However, bases in RNA might vary due to its single-strandedness property, but its ratio is dependent on the species.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the ratio of purines to pyrimidines is dependent on the species due to its genetic makeup. Hence, option (c) is correct.
When the seed germinates, the two cotyledons emerge from the soil to form the seed leaves. The seed leaves nourish the plant until it can form its true leaves. (Not all dicots' seed leaves emerge during germination; for example, peas are dicots, but the pea cotyledons remain underground.)