<span>The Mongols were a nomadic race of people who are from
Mongolia as well as China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. They were expert
riders, hunters and archers. Originally,
they were group of independent tribes until they were united by Genghis Khan
and later embarked on a campaign of conquest.
Due to their tactics and speed on horseback, they were easily able to
defeat other armies which led to the establishment of the Mongol Empire. It was composed of Mongolia, North China,
Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Northern India.
After the Genghis Khan his descendants conquered more countries but
eventually their power declined and some of the Mongols were absorbed by the
countries they had conquered.</span>
If you are asking if a cattle trail went through New Mexico Yes, otherwise if it is different let me know I am really good at things like this
First card order:
-7 and 3 =-4
Second card order:
-5 and 1 =-4
Third card order
-3 and -1 =-4
i hope this will help you :)