The creatives who designed this ad intended its headline to
be an attention-getting device. It is defined as having to show an opening
statement in which the speaker uses that is to be engaged to the attention of
the audience are likely to be capture after the component of the introduction
that the speaker has given.
i dont get it, is there a question?
Predator, because thats pretty much all we do.
preexisting duty
Preexisting Duty Doctrine
This is simply regarded as when an individual is already under an obligation to do something. It simply states that the rules and guidelines under contract law that shows that if a party to a contract is under a pre-existing duty to perform, then no second thought (consideration) is taken for the modification of the contract. Modification is then voidable.
3 Types of Legal Duties
1. Public Legal Duties such ad the duty of a police officer to protect lives and properties.
2. Contractual Legal Duties such as unperformed, preexisting contractual promises etc.
3. Private Legal Duties such as the duty to follow the law.
Unenforceable Contracts
This is regarded as a contract that cannot be enforced/given consideration or effect by the court of law etc unless they are settled and corrected according to law.
Kinds of unenforceable contracts
1.) Those entered into in the name of another by one without, or acting in excess of rights or authority;
2.) Those that do not comply with the Statute of Frauds etc.