This is a rather complicated thing to explain so I'll try my best. To put it in simple term the sun has whats called a SOI (sphere of infleunce) and anything inside of this is effected by the gravity of that planet or sun in this case. The earth is inside of this sphere of influence. The earth has a constant velocity that is making it move away from the sun but since it's in the suns SOI the path in which the earth moves is changed in a way that causes it to spin around the sun. The same thing is happening with the moon. I'm not 100% sure on this but I think the reason the moon does not just fly away towards the sun is because it is closer to earth and is more effected by earths SOI. Hope this cleared things up for you.
A horn results when glaciers erode three or more aretes, usually forming a sharp edged peak
the temperature of water drops and the density of it goes down as well.
The higher the altitudes, the lower the temperature.
At high altitudes, molecules tend to be more spread out, so the density of the molecules decrease.
Determine whether the following symbols are universal or contextual. In "The Nightingale and the Rose,"
Oscar Wilde uses a red rose as a symbol for love. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses a mockingbird as a symbol for innocence.
In A Little Princess, Frances Hodgson Burnett uses hot buns as a symbol for the connection between the main character and a poor street child.
In "The Water of Life," the Brothers Grimm use water as a symbol for life.