HELOT is <span>the Spartan name for a captive worker</span>
The end of serfdom meant the end of feudalism itself. Europe's manors could no longer function without a labor supply. As feudalism faded, it was gradually replaced by the early capitalist structures of the Renaissance. Land owners now turned to privatized farming for profit.
Lobbying examples include meetings and discussions with government representatives, influencing legislation by negotiating the details of a bill, and pushing for presidential vetoes.
A good example of a secondary source document useful in the study of history would be a textbook, because it provides basic information even though it wasn't an actual document from the historical time period.
Answer: Without the capacity to quantify, it would be hard for researchers to direct trials or structure speculations. In addition to the fact that measurement is significant in science and the synthetic business, it is likewise basic in cultivating, designing, development, assembling, trade, and various different occupations and exercises.