Affirmative action programs for under-represented minorities.
Affirmative action is defied as a policy where the race, color, sex, national origin or religion are considered to increase the opportunities provided to an underrepresented section of the society. It supports members of any disadvantage group or minorities who have discriminated in areas of housing, employment and education.
In the context, The University of California took the affirmative actions against the disadvantaged minorities to provide admission to them despite the Federal court decision in California v. Bakke (1978) to prohibit the use of the quota system to get admission in the university.
The scientific revolution was a series of events that allowed the emergence of modern science. Developments began to happen in fields like mathematics, physics, biology, anatomy, astronomy, chemistry, etc. This began to transform the views of nature and society. As the exercise says, some of this was done recovering the works of Greek philosophers such as Archimedes or Aristotle.
Archimedes of Syracuse was a Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer. He saw the world through mathematics, as the exercise details. Much of his work was recovered by the Renaissance humanists.
Parole board
The parole board is an administrative board that sees if an offender or prisoner should be freed from prison on parole after they have served part of their sentence. The board carries out a risk assessment on the prisoner to see if it is safe for them to be integrated back into the society or if they would pose a threat.
The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the Congress of the United States. The members of the house of Representatives are representing all the congressional districts of all the 50 states of the United States. The number of representatives is based on the population of each district. Every time there is a national census, the number of members can be adjusted or not. Currently there are 435 members of The House of Representatives.