THE ANSWER IS ... B it a site of a project using necular bombs to increase natural gas production
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Act of aggression and war will arise in Congress if America is able
to take over the beige land owned by Mexico.
The conflict between America and Mexico is a broad segment in the history. The act of slavery and invasion of land was colonized in Mexico by the Americans.
In fact, around 1846, 13th May, the U.S government decided to raise war against Mexico to take away Texas, act of aggression and war will arise in Congress if America is able to take over the beige land owned by Mexico.
However with lots of threat of the war and the defeat of the treaty, the war came to an end after two years with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that was signed in February 2, 1848. The U.S government paid nearly $15 million to Mexico for all the lands they claimed.
Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Company got around laws that forbid companies in one state from underselling or doing business in other states because they developed the idea of creating trusts. His Standard Oil Company was so big and production so high that he could underbid the competitors.
Slavery led to sectionalism in the United States and pushed the country to the brink of war.