The correct options are as follows:
1. D.
<span>A clade refers to a group of organisms that are made up of evolutionary descendants that originated from a common ancestor. A clade that will survive a series of catastrophic events must be one that is made up of distantly related and diverse species. This is because, those species will have different type of adaptability capacity and will be able to adapt in different ways to the catastrophic events. Due to the differences in their ability to adapt, some of the specie will survive the catastrophic events even if others are wipe out.
2. B.
The mass extinction of one specie usually creates space for another new specie to survive. The new specie that survive the old one may possess the ability to adapt to the event that wipe out the former set of living organisms and thus, the new specie will be able to occupy and reproduce in their new space. Mass extinction is said to occur when the whole population of living organism living in an ecosystem are wipe out as a result of unfavorable conditions.
3. B.
Convergent evolution refers to the independent evolution of similar features in species that arise from different lineages. The species involved usually evolve these traits as a result of having to adapt to similar environments. Convergent evolution usually result in evolution of analogous structures, that is, structures that have similar forms or functions but which are not present in the last common ancestors of the species.
4. C.
In evolution, gradualism refers to theory that states that evolution occurs slowly and gradually, thus, large changes in evolution are actually product of small changes that occur over a long period of time. The theory of gradualism was originally proposed by James Hutton in 1795.
5. C.
Mass extinction refers to the wiping out of a a large number of species within a very short time. Mass extinction can occur as a result of severe unfavorable conditions that all the species in an ecosystem can not adapt to. An instance of this is a drastic decrease in global temperature after several massive volcanic eruptions.</span>
Towards the southern of the sound
As the motion of the source of sound is moving,the percieved sound frequency varies .this is known as Doppler effect.the sound waves emited by the sources tends to bunch up in front of the source and spread out behind the source.
Since the falcon is moving towards the sound,the frequency increases and so does the pitch of the sound
I think it’s D vacuoles, I’m not certain but it don’t hurt to try if it’s not that try A
Concerts, sports games, and political rallies can have very large crowds. When you attend one of these events, you may know only the people you came with. Yet you may experience a feeling of connection to the group. You are one of the crowd. You cheer and applaud when everyone else does. You boo and yell alongside them. You move out of the way when someone needs to get by, and you say “excuse me” when you need to leave. You know how to behave in this kind of crowd.
It can be a very different experience if you are travelling in a foreign country and find yourself in a crowd moving down the street. You may have trouble figuring out what is happening. Is the crowd just the usual morning rush, or is it a political protest of some kind? Perhaps there was some sort of accident or disaster. Is it safe in this crowd, or should you try to extract yourself? How can you find out what is going on? Although you are in it, you may not feel like you are part of this crowd. You may not know what to do or how to behave.
I don't have enough knowledge about this hope it helps