As a result, United States of America experienced a chapter of an instantaneous growth in overseas trade. It reflected in internal political divisions since the United States has been divided on whom to support with. The Federal Party or federalists prefer to favor Britain while the Republican Party or republicans favoring to France. With this, the established free trade and overnight the restrictions of the old traders and mercantilist or commercialism system was evaporated. As an open-minded country, the United States could claim unrestricted trade with all countries including France and Britain.
If the companies don't have to spend money on making the working conditions of their shop safer, that saves them money. It also saves them time (thus, saving money).
The statues Muhammid destroyed were pagean idols, a belief in more than one god of the Polytheistic Religion. Muslims believe in one God and his messenger Muhammad.
Martin Luther wanted the church to stop being corrupt and wanted to make the people think that all they needed for God to forgive their sins is the Bible since the church was charging money for every sin committed by the people.