Banquo and his son Fleance walk in the torch-lit hall of Macbeth's castle. ... Macbeth claims that he has not thought of them at all since their encounter in the ... Banquo's knowledge of the witches' prophecy makes him both a potential ally and ... that if Macbeth succeeds in the murder of Duncan, he will be driven to still more
Some players hit the ball and stand dejected, waiting for it to land. Others turn away and leave it to the caddy.
Dynamite was lavishly used, and many of San Francisco's proudest structures were crumbled by man himself into ruins, but there was no withstanding the onrush of the flames.
Lila, who lives in a trailer with a parakeet and some scrappy dogs and cats, has been the town fire warden for almost 30 years.
It honors the souls of the millions murdered.
It's kind of like Dia de los muertos (Day of the dead) . It just kinda let's the ghost's of those people know "Hey, you're appreciated" . I know some people don't believe in ghosts, but that's how I think of it. Sorry if there was a specific answer I was supposed to give-but have a great day! (Or night) <)
overwhelm, exhaust, oppress.
I hope this is correct:)
In general you want to be a bit more concise in forming a thesis statement. Usually you should shoot for between 1 and 2 sentences summarizing your argument in a concise way so that it is easily understandable to the reader. I would take what you have written and look for your main argument and try and put that in 1 to 2 sentences.