I will answer this but it’s to loong and I have homework to do
According to the Evolutionary ideology, a wide range of individual and social problems require medical treatment.
Evolutionary psychology is based on several middle premises. The brain is an statistics processing tool, and it produces behavior in response to external and internal inputs. The mind adaptive mechanisms have been shaped by means of herbal and choice. Evolutionary procedures can generate novel hypotheses approximately social behavior which can then be examined with experiments.
The idea that explains the convincing origin of the state, is the historical or Evolutionary principle. It describes the nation is the made from boom, a peaceful and composed evolution stretching over an extended time period and in the long run shaping itself into the complicated shape of a contemporary country.
Evolutionary psychology is a theoretical technique to psychology that tries to give an explanation for useful mental and psychological developments. Evolutionary theories take the lengthy-time period observe the emergence of the human species. according to this attitude, humans of nowadays carry with them genetically guided characteristics surpassed from generation to era that have contributed to survival and reproductive achievement.
Learn more about medical treatment here:-brainly.com/question/12646017
Symptoms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) can resemble those of other dementia-like brain disorders, such as Alzheimer's. But Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease usually progresses much more rapidly.
Vaccines are the most efficacious means of minimizing the impact of infectious diseases on the human population. The challenges and importance of making vaccines that will meet FDA approval have never been greater. Genomics has the potential to improve the process of vaccine development substantially. Genome sequencing can help to identify genetic patterns related to the virulence of a disease, as well as genetic factors that contribute to immunity or successful vaccine response. All this information could lead to vaccines with better and more specific targets that elicit more successful protective immune responses. Comparing the genome sequences of viruses that cause infection with those that do not may provide additional insights. In turn, genome manipulation can facilitate derivation of attenuated strains or other vehicles for delivery of the desired antigens to stimulate immune response. On the other end of the spectrum, analysis of host diversity can reveal effective immune responses and possibly the genetic basis for inappropriate response. The recent progress in definition of the innate immune system, necessary for acquired response, should facilitate the definition of this host diversity.