~Hello there!
Your question: <span>Disaccharidase enzymes that hydrolyze the disaccharides into monosaccharides are found in the ____.
Your answer: </span>Disaccharidase enzymes that hydrolyze the disaccharides into monosaccharides are found in the small intestines.
Any queries?
Happy Studying!
Ava should go and talk to someone that she trusts about her problems. she should go and Exercise. Exercise will be a great improvement for her. it can help her feel more confident with her looks and help her with her mental problems.
We can tell the patient to lay straight with the face directed outward. We will tell the patient to lay the arms at the sides. we will further tell the patient to place his/her palms facing forward. The head and the eyes should also face forward. This position makes it easier for the physician to analyze any body part in a stance. It is easier to understand what part of the body is being talked about in this position.
Yes, Nicotine is very addictive, so like, if you take a ciggerate and start to smoke, the smoke enters your lungs, and nicotine is instantly absorbed into the blood and delivered into the brain, it takes effect sometimes as quickly as 10 seconds. Nicotine can change how the brain works or thinks, and can make the brain to crave more of it. Nicotine when it enters your brain realeses a thing called, dopimine which gives the person a good feeling. Dopamine is something in the nervous system to send messages to the brain cells, your body makes it, high levels of dopamine change our daily behaviors. So if nicotine releases or rises the dopamine, it can get you sick and addicted really easily in just 2 or 3 days of smoking, i will not consider smoking any tobaco.