Because there are two DNA strands in the DNA molecule and they both rotate around each other in a helix formation. So two helixes = double helix.
1) The enzyme helicase catalyses the unwinding of the two DNA strands by disrupting the hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs.
2) Single-stranded binding proteins attach to the DNA strands to stabilise them and prevent them from joining back together.
3) The enzyme primase catalyses the addition of a short primer consisting of RNA nulceotides to the DNA strand. This serves as an 'anchor' DNA polymerase to initiate replication.
4) The enzyme DNA polymerase synthesizes a new DNA strand by incorporating DNA nucleotides complementary to the existing strand. DNA polymerase activity only occurs in the 5' ---> 3' direction.
5) The enzyme ligase catalyses the formation of hydrogen bonds between the two new pairs of DNA strands, and seals any breakages in the sugar-phosphate backbone.
At 0 years, an event took place which is known as metamorphosis of igneous rock i.e., formation of igneous rocks from melted magma.
Strontium-90 is a radioactive element which undergoes beta decay to form yttrium-90. It has a half life of approximately 28 years and decay energy of 0.546 MeV. This radioactivity is used by geologist to estimate the age of the rock, fossils, meteorites etc. Other radioactive elements used by the geologists are carbon-40, potassium-40 etc.
Radiometric clock is set when the rock was formed in the past i.e., the moment when an ingenious rock was solidified from molten magma.
The offspring will be purple and long
Radish flowers = Red, purple, or yellow
For a cross between a red-flowered plant and a white-flowered plant to yield all-purple offspring, that means either the red or white is dominant and the other recessive.
When cross it will result in 16 progenies.
There is an attachment to this answer to further clarify the answer.