I think it’s an Individualist society
Finland, with a score of 63 is an Individualist society. This means there is a high preference for a loosely-knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of themselves and their immediate families only.
A large stock dividend is a distribution of more than 25% of previously outstanding shares.
The account Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par Value is always credited when a large stock dividend is declared.
A dividend is considering parsing or separating out profit sharing. A dividend has also, tax rate. For example, there is sometimes in the world situation where we get to see increasing of values of stock and in that time, shareholder can choose what he will do. He can sell the stock and if he does that, he will have to play a tax on capital gains.
So, if someone is sharing a dividend stock, he will be paid an amount of money that the company will earn in the meantime. Companies can device when and how will they pay their dividends.
Look on jiskha you will find your answer I promise
moral hazard
Banks reduce the risk of moral hazard when they monitor and supervise how their clients are using the loans and credits made to them.
Some types of credits do not require any type of monitoring or control, e.g. a credit card which a client can use basically however he/she wants to. But other types of credit that are taken for purchasing assets, e.g. a mortgage, must be used by the bank's client to specifically carryout the intended activity.
In economics, moral hazard refers to the tendency that an economic party can engage in unusually risky activities because the capital (money) that they are investing is not theirs and the negative effects of a potential loss will be suffered most by other parties.