Rich in symbolism, "The Divine Comedy" is perfectly adapted to Christianity and can be read by all those who want to read it. Some are content only with the casing of which the work is encased, others anticipate further, each according to their possibilities of drinking in the inexhaustible source of symbolism.
An example of the use of symbolism in this work is in the excerpt above where Dante shows a river of boiling blood full of people guilty of carnage, this boiling blood symbolizes the blood that these guilty people have taken from innocent victims of their violence.
1. informing you about the phases of the moon 2.Informing you about the reasons for the cival war 3. persuading you not to litter 4. enternaning you with a story of a deer family 5.Informing you of the daily schedual
Explanation: smattering means a little bit of something. lily was surprised that only a (smattering) of branches had fallen out of the tree into the yard after the power thunderstorms the night before.