Lipids are a class of organic compounds, which suits best under the column macromolecules on the hierarchy of biological organization.
Biological organization refers to the hierarchy of composite biological systems and compositions, which illustrate life using a reductionistic method. The conventional hierarchy moves from an atom to more complex biospheres.
Each of the level in the hierarchy signifies an enhancement in the organizational complexity, with each component being mainly comprised of the previous basic unit level.
I did not quite understand that but in pretty sure it is b
B is the answer
That is correct
Answer: If the global warming trend continues and permafrost under the tundra melts, the biome that would you predict would replace it is:
Boreal Forest
Explanation: A boreal forest is a vegetation composed primarily of cone-bearing needle-leaved or scale-leaved evergreen trees, found in northern circumpolar forested regions characterized by long winters and moderate to high annual precipitation.
The tree will not survive due to the nature of the tundra
The tundra comes from a finnish word "tunturia" which means barren or treeless land. It is classified as a cold icy desert with permafrost on the ground. Unlike the tropical rain forest which is a wet climate group and is a forest of tall trees in a region of year round warmth, the tundra is cold and dry. The tundra soils are formed at high altitudes, they are usually frozen. Common plants in tundra are shrubs, herbs, lichens and grass and usually grow in groups and remain closer to the ground for prevention against cold winds. The cold nature of the tundra and its soil prevent the growth of trees because trees need to have deeper roots and they cannot grow on frozen ground.