<span>ALSO ON HUFFPOST:Unexpected Side Benefits Of Exercise</span>Suggest a correction<span>Sarah Klein </span>Senior Editor, Health & Fitness; Certified Personal TrainerMORE:Huffmag Your Body On Exercise Best Of Huffpost Exercise Physiology Body On ExerciseCONVERSATIONS
Height and weight measurements
Blood pressure check
Discussion on emotional health
Antibiotics generally take a week
D.) Keep your head up while your skating.
Administer high-concentration oxygen.
Respiratory distress may be defined as the medical condition when the fluid gets filled in the airsacs of the lungs. Respiratory distress indicates the medical emergency and shows life threatening situation.
The individual indicates the sign of respiratory distress and peanut allergy. The respiratory distress decreases the amount of oxygen in the organs and the allergy condition increases this reaction. The high concentration oxygen must be provided to the individual and oxygen deficiency can be overcome.
Thus, the correct answer is option (B).