Assonance is the sound device in which vowel sounds of nearby words are repeated. These are usually found in prose and poetry, with the purpose of setting the mood.
Ex. "Hear the mellow wedding bells" in the poem The Bells by Edgar Allan Poe. In this line, the mood was set by using vowel "e" as literary device.
<span>Organizations are mostly homogeneous within given domains also increasinly oganized around different types of conformity to wider institution because of organizations you have to regiuwal contents</span>
We can get involved into the local community structure by interacting with people in community or participating in the community structure.
Participation and the interaction is the most effective way of contributing in one community structure.
You can attend the meeting of the community.
You can arrange or participates in community service events.
Try to be ore interactive in community service events.
Share your ideas for the benefit of community.
Donate things for community.
Try to buy things from local community shops.
Any negative value will produce this graph
Effective communication is important because it helps to prevent and deal with conflicts. If one person wants something, and if they don't communicate it to the others, it might lead to a situation in which the others refuse then this without knowing, which would lead to conflicts.
So, in short: communication serves to prevent and lessen conflicts.