IN FRONT of your vehicle.
First, i would develop a similar product to 'create your own yogurt' but doing it by using natural Ingredients that definitely better for the health. After that, i would create a marketing campaign to create an awareness for the existence of my product. For the cherry on top, i would endorse several health and fitness professional to make a comparison review between my products and my competitor's.
Information Revolution
Information Revolution was a shift from the Industrial revolution that held sway in the 20th century. It was a period of robust technological advancement that saw the invention of computers and their use as sources of information dissemination on a global scale.
This revolution saw sporadic advancements in the way information could be computed, stored, exchanged, and received on a large and global scale. Technological advancements have also seen the development of tools and equipment which has enabled the rapid access of information and information resources on a wide scale over the past 50 years.