The correct answer is valve vegetations and stenosis.
Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is damage to one or more heart valves that is caused by an episode/episodes of acute rheumatic fever. The normal blood flow through damaged valves is interrupted. The heart valves are unable to function properly, so the blood may flow backward through stretched valves (not closed properly), or may be blocked due to scarred valves (not opened properly). Heart surgery may be required for this condition.
Reproduction. Pink salmon in their native range have a strict two year life cycle, thus odd and even-year populations do not interbreed. In the state of Washington, Pink salmon runs occur on odd years. Adult pink salmon enter spawning streams from the ocean, usually returning to the stream where they originated.
The DNA has to code for a protein and it has to replicate
Interphase is the phase in which the cell grows and develops before mitosis. This is the largest part of the cell's life span.