Fish are gill-bearing aquatic craniate animals that lack limbs with digits. They form a sister group to the tunicates, together forming the olfactores. Included in this definition are the living hagfish, lampreys, and cartilaginous and bony fish as well as various extinct related groups.
1. Algae- Biotic
2. Abiotic
3. Biotic
4. Abiotic
5. Biotic
6. Abiotic
7. Biotic
8. Biotic
9. Biotic
10. Abiotic
11. Biotic
12. [could be both]
In order to see if something is Biotic or Abiotic, think about whether it’s alive or not.
Dissolve oxygen is just the oxygen levels in the ocean, it’s not really a living thing. While it does effect the environment, it’s abiotic because it isn’t living. Fish, however, are are biotic because they’re alive.
If you’re ever confused, just think about the basic things all living things have, which is cells, and apply it to the question. Does changing weather have cells? Nope. do trees have cells? Yep!
Also, for the Fertile soil, I said it could be both because of what’s in the soil. Fertile soil has biotic factors in it, like dead animal stuff and dead plant stuff. (Anything that was once living, even if it’s dead, is still considered a biotic by the way). I think your best bet would be to put biotic, but I might be wrong
But yeah, in summary, Biotic means living, Abiotic means non living, and in order to see which is which, ask yourself if whatever you’re questioning has cells. Good luck
The reasons why the wastewater reclamation plant will be implemented are the well-being of the environment, as well as making the water suitable for usage for the people. By installing the plant, the wastewater will be cleaned in most part. That will mean that the water can be returned to the nature without it causing damage to it and polluting it, but instead contributing to its well-being and proper functioning. Also, part of the water will be used for irrigation, as flushing water in the toilets, for doing laundry, which will result in preserving the freshwater reserves while still having a source of water for certain needs. The fact that the water will be cleaned, also means that the local water bodies will be safe to use for recreation, as they will not be polluted.
Cross pollination is the transfer of pollen of different species to stigma of different species of plants.
Cross pollination results in healthy, viable and diverse plants.
Mendel observed that traits could either be dominant or recessive.
Blended traits or incomplete dominance is the condition in which dominant allele could not produce its trait alone instead blending with recessive allele takes place giving new phenotype to progeny.
In cross pollination pollen transfer takes place from anthers to stigma. In Mendelian genetics the anthers of the plant was removed because it has both male and female parts on same plant so that self pollination does not take place.
The importance of cross pollination is that it creates diversity in the plant species since the traits having different alleles are combined to form the progeny plant. The offspring are healthier and high quality seeds are found.
Mendel observed that traits are either dominant or recessive in general. It was observed that when homozygous parents were crossed, the progeny in F1 generation always had dominant trait. The recessive trait only appeared when F1 generation offspring were self pollinate.
Blended traits or incomplete dominance appear when alleles get blended and exhibit the traits in phenotype. The phenotype appeared will not be matching with either parents.
The example is a white coloured flower is crossed with red colour flower the resultant colour of the flower is pink. It shows that dominant allele red is not completely dominant and gets blended with white colour.