Answer: Caracteristicas de una persona solidaria:
1 Son personas que ayudan sin distincion alguna o discrimacion.
2 Suelen ser personas empaticas.
3 Son capaces abrir espacios sin exclusión alguna.
4 Tienden a ser personas con mucho amor y cariño que transmitir.
5 Son conocedoras de las situaciones sociales.
¿Puedo obtener un brainliest
A group picnic
In the question above, since the local employees have already met the physiological and safety needs then based on the "hierarchy of needs theory" the next motivation level would be met via the promise of a particular "group picnic" i.e, via "love and belonging needs".
The hierarchy of needs theory was conceptualized by a psychologist named Abraham Maslow. He defined the "love and belonging needs" as the process that involves "range of intimacy" between different people and circumscribe empathy, compassion, caring, being part of a specific community, feelings of being approved or accepted vs. disapproved or rejected by a community, etc.
I think it was because we really don't know what exactly happened in the past.
Also, I'm pretty sure people did not keep track of colored people back then.
Turning your lights on before breaking in
The statement ' Inappropriate eligibility criteria could affect a study's construct validity' is true.
Option: (a)
- For the construct of the study to be valid, it is primarily necessary that the criteria of eligibility prescribed for the authenticity of the study is followed strictly.
- If any of the factors that make the study eligible are compromised with, there is a great possibility that the very nature of the study would change to not fit the idea of the study.