It can be said that society wants to punish the guilty;however, they are cautious when doing so. Society is afraid that the justice system is placing an innocent person behind bars for every ten people that are being set free. Our judicial system was put in place to protect the innocent and put the guilty behind bars; however, this is not so. We have a corrupt society that contradicts itself from the lowest court system to the highest government powers of Congress. When one political power takes control, it's like a gang or "mafia" take over with the people suffering without a voice.
Reduced greenhouse gas emission.
It's ...The Principle of Limited Government
The main reason why many foreign powers treated the US government under the Articles of Confederation with scorn is because the Articles were intentionally very "weak," meaning that there was no real central government in the US to respect.
Probably because he stayed possitive and worked hard to improve the westward growth.