The answer for your question is A.
The movement of proteins and enzymes within a cell is facilitated by intracellular receptors.
Proteins and enzymes (which also are proteins) move inside the cell through intracellular receptors. These receptors are proteins capable of binding other molecules such as proteins and hormones in order to transport them to different cellular locations. Thus, intracellular receptors are key players in signaling pathways that trigger signaling events to regulate a particular function, for example, activating gene expression by transporting proteins to the nucleus.
Primary succession is one type of the ecological succession which takes place on the land devoid of vegetation or barren land.
The species which first flourishes on this barren land are known as pioneer species which includes the species of bryophytes and pteridophytes like lichens and mosses.
These lichens and mosses help breakdown the barren rocks through chemical leaching and help increase the nutrient content. This allows the ferns and small pteridophytes to grow.
Then the area is colonized by the intermediate species which includes herbs, shrubs later trees. These intermediate species help attract the animals and thus help establish the biological community.
Thus, Lichens mosses → herbs→ shrubs →trees.
Life cycle of a moss
An embryo further develops into a pear-shaped sporangium, which is the *sporophyte stage of the plant*. The sporangium contains spore sacs, each of which is the spore mother cell that undergoes meiotic division to form four spores,The spores are released and germination
takes place giving rise to a protonema, which develops into a new gametophyte plant. The gametophyte generation or haploid phase of the moss is from the production of haploid spores after meiosis to the period just before fusion of the haploid antherizoid or haploid ovum. The sporophyte generation or diploid phase is from the diploid mother cells just before meiosis.
Examples of moss plants include Funaria hygrometrica, Polytrichum commune, Barbuda Indica.