Un tipo de glóbulo blanco llamado linfocito reconoce el antígeno como extraño y produce anticuerpos que son específicos para ese antígeno. ... Los glóbulos blancos también pueden producir sustancias químicas llamadas antitoxinas que destruyen las toxinas (venenos) que producen algunas bacterias cuando han invadido el cuerpo.
Eyewitness misidentification
The innocence project is a well established organization in the United States with two major aims:
- To exonerate people wrongly convicted for a crime.
- To reform the criminal justice system in a manner as to reduce such injustices in the future.
It accomplishes these aims with the use of DNA testing and forensic technology that has advanced significantly over the years.
The Innocence Project deemed eyewitness misidentification to be the leading cause of wrongful convictions, which was the cause in nearly 75% of the cases.
<h3>Hope this helps</h3>
The correct answer is C ''focus on the social advantages to smoking.''
According to cognitive dissonance, to reduce the tension or discomfort that causes us to do something against our beliefs and opinions, we rationalize or justify our actions to ourselves by reconstructing our attitudes. This happens when we have formed and stable attitudes. For example, knowing that smoking is bad for health and smoking a lot, the person is automatically motivated to make an effort to generate new ideas and beliefs to reduce tension until all their ideas and attitudes fit together, constituting a certain internal coherence and can perform the action with a certain mental and motivational balance.
Dependent Personality Disorder
Dependent PD is characterized by a lack of self-confidence and an excessive need to be looked after. This person needs a lot of help in making everyday decisions and surrenders important life decisions to the care of others. He greatly fears abandonment and may go through considerable lengths to secure and maintain relationships. A person with dependent PD sees himself as inadequate and helpless, and so surrenders his personal responsibility and submits himself to one or more protective others. He imagines that he is at one with these protective other(s), whom he idealizes as competent and powerful, and towards whom he behaves in a manner that is ingratiating and self-effacing. People with dependent PD often end up with people with a cluster B personality disorder, who feed on the unconditional high regard in which they are held. Overall, people with dependent PD maintain a naïve and child-like perspective and have limited insight into themselves and others. This entrenches their dependency, leaving them vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.