At different times
The echo returns at different times, but faster in water. This is because water particles are bound closer and this makes them transmit vibration energy from one particle to the next quickly. An echo is a sound wave and sound waves are longitudinal waves that occur by the collision of particles to move the vibrations along, and this is why they move slower in air.
Explanation: Reciprocity is a norm amongst people which is due to the act of kindness committed by one person to us ,that result to us feeling encouraged and motivated to commit the act of kindness back to those people , it is a norm of sharing out of the kindness of our heart because people have also been kind to us.
The answer is construct validity.
Construct validity is described as the degree in which a study<em> actually</em> measures what it claims to be measuring. A well-designed research will ideally have high construct validy, while a poorly designed one may confound the variables and result in measuring a different aspect.
For example, if a researcher tries to find which of two perfumes is more attractive to customers, <u>but uses different shaped or coloured bottles</u>, it's possible that the test will lack construct validity (the bottles may affect the customers' opinions).
Informal Economy
An informal economy is a segment of any society not taxed or controlled by some type of government. The concept is usually applied to self-employment in small unregistered enterprises.
Max spends most of his time in the house taking care of his children and his sister’s children in return his sister lends his family an extra apartment she has in her multifamily home. This situation is referred to as informal economy.
Monsoon forest, also called dry forest or tropical deciduous forest, open woodland in tropical areas that have a long dry season followed by a season of heavy rainfall. The trees in a monsoon forest usually shed their leaves during the dry season and come into leaf at the start of the rainy season.