Not enough oxygen
rainforests will turn into desserts like the Sahara dessert which use to be a tropical place.
Tokyo has an area of 2,194 km²
hope this helps!
The counties of Michigan are organized in a grid pattern because the internal subdivision of the state followed the pattern of surveying established by the Land Ordinance of 1785, which established a rectangular division of the lands of the Northwest Territory, with the objective of facilitating an equal distribution between settlers who would be sent there to populate the region west of the Appalachians.
Thus, the Northwest Territory began to be subdivided into a rectangular shape, and the counties in this region began to take this shape. So when Michigan was established as a state, its counties (as well as those of the other Midwest states) continued to maintain this rectangular shape.
There are mainly 4 types of volcanoes.
1. Cinder cones: They are a bowl-shaped crater, build from particle or blobs of congealed lava that is ejected from a single gas vent, as the air is broken into small fragments that are solidified and falls as cinders.
2. Composite volcanoes: stratovolcano or composite cone are those that form a steep-sided, symmetrical cone of large dimensions built around by lavas. Some examples are Mount Shasta in California, Mount Hood in Oregon.
3. Lava domes: There internal structure is defined by bulbous masses of lava, that are too vicious.
4. Shield volcanoes: These are built entirely by fluid lava, and flow p[ours in all directions.
A volcano can change its surrounding weather patterns but not the climate of a place as a climatic zone is composed of stable and static atmosphere like that of poles, tropics, and temperate lands, etc.
Not all volcanic eruptions can be predicted successfully as they are also triggered by an earthquake and the active or dominant type of volcano can be identified based on its previous eruption patterns.
The Gulf of Mexico. It technically also borders the states of Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, as well as Mexico and Cuba